Car Service Clayton

Best Car Mechanic Koo Wee RupIf you need expert Clayton mechanics to service your car, come to Singh’s Tyre & Auto Centre. We are a licensed car service & repair centre in Clayton offering exceptional service & repairs to our customers. We have a team of skilled car mechanics with years of experience in the automotive industry & can deliver excellent car service & repairs to our customers for all their auto repair needs. Whether your car lacks performance or has an oil leak or major engine & transmission repair, our car mechanics diagnose the issue and give you a detailed report and understanding of which service your car needs and why. With proper inspection & in-depth diagnosis, we strive to deliver the best car service in Clayton at the best price.

Services We Can Help You With

  • Tyre Sales Cranbourne
  • General Car Service & Repairs
  • Logbook Service
  • Roadworthy Certificate
  • Engine Transmission Service
  • Mechanical Repairs
  • Aircon Regas & servicing
  • Electrical Repairs
  • Car Battery Replacement
  • Wheel services and Alignments

Mechanical Repairs Clayton

At Singh’s Tyre & Auto Centre, we provide high-quality mechanical repairs to deal with all the damages and replace all the worn-out or failing components with genuine spare parts that your car requires.

Logbook Service Clayton

Keeping your logbook up-to-date proves that your car is safe and sound. Our expert car mechanics ensure that every car service mentioned in the logbook is performed according to the manufacturer’s specifications to protect the car’s warranty.

Roadworthy Certificate Clayton

Whether you’re selling or buying a car in Melbourne, a roadworthy certificate is mandatory to ensure that your vehicle is safe & sound. Our authorized licensed vehicle testers perform tests and maintenance services & follow the guidelines prescribed by the VicRoads Corporation & help you obtain the roadworthy certificate in Melbourne.

Wheel Alignment & Balancing Clayton

Whether you’ve planned to install a set of brand new tyres, or have uneven tyre wear or want to fix your misaligned wheels, our mechanics provide wheel alignment & balancing service, which will help you have a smoother & safe ride.

Aircon Regas & Servicing Clayton

We specialize in Aircon Regas & repairs and use the best methods to resolve any issue or replace the entire unit with a brand-new car air conditioning system.

Over To You

If your vehicle is in need of repair or car service or logbook service, our car service & repairs in Clayton is right here to assist you. To schedule an appointment with us, call 03 9544 8854 today.